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  • Jade Palma

Music to Cope


Music and the mind

Music has physiological and psychological effects, how can this contribute to coping with grief?


Music and the memories

Music connects us through genre, tone, melody, and musical experience. I have always had the presence of music in my life however my music taste was heavily influenced by brother Ricky. Alternative, classic rock, metal, and even jazz have never failed to make it into my playlist as I grew up with the “oldies”. Waking up to the sound of an acoustic guitar and my brother’s voice was a perfect way to start the day. My favorite hobby at the time consisted of sitting at my brother’s side while listening to him play music. I envied his musical talent and thus began the choir lessons. I joined my school choir for about 8 years while in grade school as my two brothers were musically gifted and as the youngest sibling I could not help but feel I had to contribute in the event the word “band” came to be.

Music and the mind

The death of my brother Ricky left a void in many aspects of my life. Musically I felt it difficult to listen to songs we had bonded over or even glimpse at his instruments left behind in an empty silent room. Of course, a move was necessary however, at the time his door stayed shut, and the house was no longer filled with music. In this sense music and I had broken up for the time being. I struggled to hear a mere stranger strum chords as I would return to the times when my brother was the one holding the guitar. I missed out on the benefits music could provide in the first years after his death. The first few songs I listened to as a form to ease my way back into music brought me to tears and the next few filled me with nostalgia.

I had a bittersweet feeling that lingered until I was finally able to turn to music for peace of mind. Ironic I would turn to Ricky for peace of mind and with him gone I found this similar feeling through his music. Music has been proven to lower stress levels according to the National Library of Medicine making it the perfect coping mechanism.

Grief is notorious for the “five stages of grief” however I like to refer to grief as an emotional roller coaster. Grief is a mixture of emotions including stress and anxiety. Music may not be the solution to grief but it is certainly a great way to cope with the emotions grief brings on.

Music is my outlet from reality, what coping mechanisms help you through your grief?

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